Original Modern Contemporary Black and White Painting in Antique Gilt Frame


Original Modern Contemporary Black and White Painting in Antique Gilt Frame by Shannon Weir, a distinguished artist based in Houston, Texas. Weir’s mastery unfolds in this monochromatic symphony where stark contrasts of black and white converge to create a visually compelling narrative. The Antique Gilt Frame, with its timeless allure, adds a touch of opulence to the composition, highlighting the seamless blend of contemporary aesthetics and classic framing. The artist’s deft strokes and nuanced use of color evoke a sense of modern sophistication, while the ornate frame enhances the overall elegance. Weir’s creation transcends the boundaries of conventional art, offering a captivating fusion of modernity and timeless grandeur, making it a captivating centerpiece in contemporary artistry.

(Both Paintings not included. This listing is only for the painting on the left.)

1 in stock

SKU: 4-111 157 / #0289 Left Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , , ,
Original Modern Contemporary Black and White Painting in Antique Gilt Frame
Original Modern Contemporary Black and White Painting in Antique Gilt Frame

1 in stock