Have you ever search d e s p e r a t e l y for just the right piece?
You’ve combed the aisles in all the right places. You’ve stayed up late searching the internet. Your friends have been asked (no, ordered) to be on the lookout… But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, that one perfect piece remains just around the corner.
MAI’s newly launched Personal Shopper Program is your ally. This complementary service is at your fingertips, either by sending a message via our site’s Contact page, visiting the Personal Shopper desk at the store, or calling 713.827.8087 and asking for LeAnn. Your heart’s desire will be added to the Wish List, and our Personal Shopper will use all of MAI’s resources to help you find just what you want.
MAI’s Personal Shopper can also assist you in custom orders, and she is one of MAI’s pinners of curated looks that will inspire you in your searches for ALL of those perfect pieces! Check out our boards and follow MAI by clicking on the Pinterest button at the bottom of some of our site’s pages.
Happy hunting!